Like all payment methods, PaysafeCard casino generates fees for its use. It is therefore worth looking into this aspect, which is of considerable importance. First of all, it should be noted that there are no additional costs associated with the use of a prepaid ticket. Only the costs of purchasing the ticket are paid. The only fees that are charged are by PaysafeCard for specified services performed on the "My PaysafeCard" account. Details of the fees charged are as follows:
It is clear that the fees can be kept to a minimum compared with other online payment methods. Although it is financially advantageous, when you opt for the PaysafeCard MasterCard, you have to spend a little more. This is because, in addition to the fixed annual fee of CHF 15, there are additional charges for players depending on the situation. These include
Although you can get your prepaid card at a newsstand, this does not detract from the security of the service. The reload method is quite atypical. You enter the PIN code to receive the amount contained in a coupon that you obtained in a public place. In fact, the process is completely anonymous from start to finish.
This is the advantage offered by Paysafecard online casino. You remain totally anonymous during your transactions, and therefore while playing at online casinos Your personal data will not be leaked since you do not provide any information when you use a payment coupon. Thus, your spending will not leave any physical traces on the internet.
Another advantage of this payment method is that you can set a spending limit. This is an effective way for you to control your spending so that you don't fall into a gambling addiction.
If you have opened a My PaysafeCard account to manage the various codes, only your username and password will allow you access. This then secures your transactions so that no one else can access any data online. Furthermore, it is not possible to hack the PIN codes or increase the value of the credit contained in a coupon. Although some websites claim to be able to do this, this is not true as the paysafecard online casinos payment method is completely secure. If your PaysafeCard MasterCard is lost, stolen or attempted to be fraudulently used, you have the option of blocking your PIN codes remotely. This is a way to prevent someone else from using the money in your codes.
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